Please be present at 19:45 in regards to the TV recordings, after 20:10 your chair might not be available anymore, in regards to the TV recordings.
Address: marktstraat, 6461EB, Kerkrade, The Netherlands
1. Is there a dress code?
The dress code is: A touch of white!
We ask everyone to come in festive style, with a white garment or a white accent. This will look beautiful! With a white accent, we mean: festive clothing and/or accessories with a white element; a white sweater, dress, jacket or pants.
2. Will there also be guest artists? Of course!
Besides Guido, Wendy and the orchestra soloists will also be present. Further guest artists will be announced later. In addition, we also have some musical surprises in store for the audience.
3. Where are the entrances to the Market?
Niersprinkstraat/ Market
4. Are there VIP packages available?
Yes, two VIP packages can be booked for the Open Air Concert in Kerkrade.
The Super VIP Package includes the following: hotel stay (optional), soundcheck, concert ticket (sections A & B), reception, Meet & Great with Maestro Guido & Wendy Kokkelkoren and some of the guest artists.
The regular VIP Package includes the following: concert ticket (sections A & B), reception, Meet & Great with Maestro Guido & Wendy Kokkelkoren and some of the guest artists.
More information about the VIP packages? Contact info:
5. How do I order tickets?
The pre-sale starts on Friday 25 August 2023 at 10.00. Tickets can be purchased as follows:
Online via
Online via
By phone via Eventim: 0900 1353 (€0,60 p/m).
Monday to Thursday from 09:00 till 20:00
Friday from 09.00 till 18.00
Saturday & Sunday from 10:00 till 16:00
6. Which prices apply to which seats?
Premium: €84,50
Section 1: € 79,50
Section 2: € 74,50
Section 3: € 66,50
Super deal: € 49,50
Wheelchair seats: € 79,50 (Section 1). Please note: a wheelchair spot is automatically booked with 1 accompanying person next to it. The total price for these 2 tickets is €159,-.
* The prices include the service costs of the ticket organization.
* The prices exclude the booking fee and the point of sale and/or the transaction costs of the bank.
7. How many tickets can I order?
You can order a maximum of 20 tickets at a time. If you would like to order more tickets as a group, please contact
8. Do I have to register first if I book tickets online?
Yes. You must register with Eventim in order to place an order. Filling in the e-mail address is necessary, because that is where your tickets will be sent. However, this takes little time. Registering is free.
9. How do I pay my tickets online?
Eventim accepts various payment methods. If you order online, you can make the payment by means of MasterCard, VISA, Mr. Cash, Maestro, PayPal and iDEAL (internet banking via your bank). For online payments, transaction costs are charged by your bank partner. If you would like more information, please contact your own bank. For more information about ordering tickets online, please call Eventim's telephone customer service: 0900-1353, €0,60 p/m.
10. When will I get my tickets?
Via the internet you will immediately receive an e-ticket in Adobe/PDF by email. You can print this ticket, after which it will be scanned at the entrance control on the concert evening. It is also possible to book additional cancellation insurance for your tickets.
At the fixed points of sale you will immediately receive your ticket after payment.
You can also book your tickets online and have them sent to your home by post with cancellation insurance. This is the most expensive variant and not necessary. It will take a few weeks before you receive the tickets at home.
11. What are the best concert places?
Normally, all seats on the Market square are good seats but of course the first rank seats are closer to the stage than the second and third rank seats. However, we place extra speakers halfway the field to create a nice sound on the entire Market. Keep in mind that it is always possible that camera people or the “camera crane” can temporarily obstruct your view.I
12. Which chairs are being used?
We have deliberately opted for wide and comfortable seats (bucket seats). This provides more seating comfort.
13. Can I watch the concert at one of the catering establishments on the Market in Kerkrade?
The restaurants of the Marktet in Kerkrade offer all kinds of delicious dinner and terrace packages especially for this concert. Before the performance, you can enjoy an arrangement at your favorite establishment and experience the concert from there while enjoying a glass of wine. Keep in mind that the sight lines at the catering establishments, due to trees, technology;- and camera placement, may be more limited than on the market square itself. The catering arrangements can be purchased at the relevant catering establishments on the Markt in Kerkrade. We will soon provide an overview of the contact details and booking options of the participating restaurants on our website. We are not liable for the culinary content, the price and the sale of the packages.

14. Do I have a good view on the stage and the artist?
The market in Kerkrade is a medium-sized square. You imagine yourself as a concert visitor in an attractively decorated concert arena, where you can see the concert from almost all angles. Video screens will also be placed to the left and right of the stage.
15. Is there a wardrobe where I can leave my coat?
No, there is no wardrobe. We are counting on beautiful weather. In case of bad weather, umbrellas are not allowed due to the TV recordings. After all, these could obstruct your view of the stage. When it rains, the concert will continue and you will receive a plastic rain cape from the organization.
16. Are there wheelchair seats?
Yes, there are wheelchair seats reserved in the front of section E and section C.
17. Can I bring food and drinks inside?
No, it is forbidden to bring food and drinks with you. It is recommended for regular concert visitors to have a bite to eat beforehand. All seats are numbered and you have plenty of time to eat beforehand. There will be drink stations to the left behind the stage and at the back of the square. Additional toilet facilities are also being created behind the market.
18. Can I still go home by public transportion after the show?
It all depends on where you need to go. You can request travel advice on the public transportion site: The Kerkrade train station is within walking distance of the concert venue (+/- 10 minutes). The bus stop 'Stationsstraat 6' is a 3-minute walk from the concert location. You can also contact Public Transport Netherlands. The phone number is 0900-9292.
19. Is it allowed to film or take pictures?
Because of the TV recordings, it is not allowed to film or videotape the concert. However, you are allowed to take pictures but preferably as little as possible, but again, because of the TV recordings.
20. Can I eat somewhere before the show and book a hotel?
There are plenty of restaurants and hotels in and around Kerkrade and the center of the city. The entrepreneurs of the market in Kerkrade also have special catering packages for sale, please see point 12. There are no additional hotel packages for sale at the moment.
21. Is there enough parking space?
There are sufficient parking facilities in Kerkrade. An overview of all parking facilities will be communicated on our website soon.
22. Additional information
In the coming months you can find further additional information on the website and on our Facebook page. Can't find the answer to your question? Please contact
The house rules of The Maestro & The European Pop Orchestra are displayed at every entrance. The house rules apply throughout the entire event.
Directions from organization and/or security personnel must be followed by visitors at all times. If the organizer deems it necessary, visitors may be subjected to searches and bag checks. Visitors who do not agree to this may be denied access to the Market.
Every visitor is obliged to identify himself at the entrance or during the event. If the visitor cannot identify himself, the organizer is authorized to refuse and/or remove the visitor from the Market.
If criminal offenses are committed by the visitor, the security personnel will hand over the person concerned, to the police.
The organization reserves the right at all times to remove the visitor from the event, if the behavior of the visitor gives cause to do so.
Violent behaviour, discrimination and sexual harassment in any form will not be tolerated.
It is prohibited to consume alcoholic beverages for anyone under the age of 18.
Consuming, dealing, trading and/or being in possession of any narcotics is strictly prohibited. All soft and hard drugs will immedialtely be confiscated.
It is prohibited to bring items such as: food, alcohol, drinks, bottles, cans, glassware, weapons, fireworks, sound equipment and bicycles. Animals and pets are not allowed on the event site.
Waste must be deposited in the appropriate waste bins.
It is not allowed to hand out flyers or other promotional items at and around the event without specific permission from the organization. In addition, no trading of any kind is allowed without written permission from the organization.
It is not allowed to make film or video recordings during the event.
Recordings will be made during the event. By entering the event site, all visitors give permission to the organization to reproduce, make public and/or exploit video and photo images.
Upon arrival, every visitor must familiarize himself with the escape routes that must be used in the event of an emergency.
Entering and attending the event is entirely at the visitor's own risk. The organization is not liable for lost and/or damaged property.
In circumstances where these regulations are inconclusive, the judgment of the organization will prevail.
Niersprinkstraat/ Markt
The train station of Kerkrade is a short walking distance from the concert venue (+/- 10-minutes).
The bus stop ‘Stationsstraat 6’ is a 3-minute walk distance from the concert venue.
On the website of public transport, you would be able to see travel advice: en
There is enough parking facilities throughout Kerkrade.